Monday, 30 January 2012


Tricking 2009-06 Superman? by djswim ©2010-2012 djswim

Tricking 2009-04 by djswim ©2009-2012 djswim

Youtube: XxlxSmoKexlxX - sub him!

Subscribe to me on YouTube

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Kieran B bootflex

YouTube new design

We really didn't like the new YT layout at first. We stayed with the old one. Then they announced all channels would be converted on March 1, so we decided to go there ahead of time.

Once you customize the design, it's not so bad. Here's the new look FlexingLads channelHopefully, YT will augment the range of customizable features, and in future it will look even better!

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Strictly stay factual

A few hours after we blogged Boost your views - with FlexingLads, the following bulletin was issued by YT channel StrictlyComeFlexing (SCF):
Big thanks again guys.Had some really great messages today.This channel is growing nicely thanks to you and our great flexers.Similar channels may get more views but they promote themselves on a few dubious sites or use clips without permission.That won't be done here.We will grow on our reputation and our clips are done exclusively for us.I'm very pleased with how things are going and keep watching for news of our website launch this summer.Sub,comment,l­ike,enjoy!
Innuendo is a really dishonest way to attempt to undermine someone - without naming them or specifying their supposed misdeeds, you avoid the consequences of telling outright lies, but hope that the mud sticks anyhow.

Will SCF will say which "similar channels" promote themselves on "dubious" sites, and what clips have been used without permission?

Given the timing of the bulletin, as well as the SCF owner's former connection with FlexingLads channel, we don't doubt we are (one of) the target(s) of this smear.

So, staying strictly factual: none of the clips on FlexingLads has been uploaded without permission. And the 'dubious' sites we promote the channel on are: this blog, facebook, twitter,, and muscle forums like teenmuscleguys2. (We also have a facebook page.)

Videos may be embedded anywhere, of course. If ours are posted on any genuinely dubious sites, we'd like to know about it (mail us:

Finally, our blog is featured on BestMaleBlogs, [alongside others - like this one ;-) edit: this was a link to Mark's SCF blog's listing on BMB, but since he deleted the blog, the listing has been removed.]  Most 'dubious' of all, FlexingLads is featured on this really notorious website!

PS That's a lot of sites - see this post for a list of places you will find FlexingLads online. 
edit: Strictly ironic...

StrictlyComeFlexing posted a bulletin 7 hours ago

Hi guys.Any clips removed from uploads can be found in favourites.Just having a channel clean up so uploads are exclusive clips only or clips i've been asked to put up by some of the flexers.Sub,comment,like and enjoy!

Friday, 20 January 2012

Boost your views - with FlexingLads!

Since FlexingLads launched on YouTube two months ago, our channel reached 361 subscribers and 21630 views.

We invite YT flexers to send promotional videos, and those uploaded to FlexingLads so far average 4000+ views. Each video is linked to the flexer's channel, meaning viewers can click through, watch his other clips, and sub him.

If you want to boost your YT channel, send us a short promo clip (30-60 seconds). We promote our videos on this blog, as well as via facebook, twitter and other sites. That means more views & subs for you!

Send us your clip or get more info:

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

FlexingLads online

FlexingLads is now using various social and other sites to expand our online presence.

Find us here:

In case you didn't know this blog now has a neat url:

Finally, you can mail us here: