Time for a catch up on channel performance...
April was a great month for FL channel: 105k views, 279 subs, 16 new videos, and 4 new flexers/channels featured. That's way ahead of our monthly target.
In 2014 so far, we've gained 223k views, 793 subs, uploaded 45 videos, and featured 9 new channels/flexers. That puts us right on target, in fact well ahead in video views, to achieve our aims for this year.
On top of that, today we smashed through 800,000 public views (803k), bringing average views for our 246 videos to around 3,260. Although a few very popular videos bump up the average, most videos do pretty well. Over half have more than 2,000 views, and 93% have over a thousand views.
Finally, all time views (including deleted videos) reached 945,000 - bringing us within striking distance of one million views sometime in May or June :D
Thanks, as always, to our supporters, and most of all to the flexers, who provide the content that make FlexingLads worth following!
If you like our blog, sub our channel!

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